Nursing Pet Peeves: Vol. 1

Debriefing. Venting. Complaining. Whatever you call it, it can be therapeutic when done right. When someone or something is driving a nurse crazy, just having a colleague listen to them freak out about it for a second makes it all feel better. That's one way to deal with mind-numbing stress.

Debriefing. Venting. Complaining. Whatever you call it, it can be therapeutic when done right -without malice or destructiveness. When someone or something is driving a nurse crazy, just having a colleague listen to them freak out about it for a second can make it all feel better for awhile. That's just one way to deal with the mind-numbing stress of 12-hour shifts.

That said, join the hilarity of Adrianne and Andrew facing off with some of their most hated pet peeves of bedside nursing, despite some minor phone reception issues (DIY 4LYFE!!). There's an unplanned surprise at the end.

What things drive you crazy? Did they make part 1 of the list?


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