Vlog 9: 4 12-hour night shifts in 5 days

This vlog is long AF but we cover four twelve-hour shifts in 5 nights with a nurse who usually works just a few nights a week. This 2-on, 1-off, 2-on fairy tale includes:

-A snobby Boston Terrier refusing ice cream.
-The curse of quiet nights in a hospital.
-Pre-daylight savings confusion for a night shifter.
-2nd-night perks and knowing your patients.
-A 1997 Honda funeral.
-Inpatient Admissions: one night: zero, following night: seven.
-Daisy award nomination at shift change.
-Nacho bar is canceled.
-Making fun of Brad.
-Post-work elation. It's as exciting as you'd imagine spending half your week at work would be.


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Recorded with iPhone 7
Edited with iMovie


Copyright-free music included in this episode found in the YouTube Audio Library:

A Typical Ride Out - Noir Et Blanc Vie
Glenn Canyon -Dan Lebowitz
Castleshire - Chris Haugen
Birds in Flight - Dan Lebowitz
Shoulder Closures - Gunnar Olsen
Candelabra - LATASHÁ
Ether Oar - The Whole Other
Weird Night - William Rosati
Stranger Danger - Francis Preve
Winds of Spring - the 126ers
Campfire Song - Chris Haugen
Operatic 3 - Vibe Mountain
Leveled Up - Bad Snacks
Atmospheria - Francis Preve



Vlog 10: Nurse's Black Friday/Staycation Haze | A Day in the Life


Vlog 8: Migraines, admissions, and competencies